Richard alerted me to the death of the wonderful and adorable Robert Morse, who died the other day at the age of 90. He first hit the scene as the lead in *How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying.* Here he is singing "I Believe In You" in the movie version. Maybe he's a little too animated, a little too coy, and the voice is too tremulous, but there's something charming about him.
I was thrilled to see him land a late-in-life juicy supporting role on *Mad Men.* Here's his last scene on that show (always makes me tear up):
The best Robert Morse feature on YouTube, one of the treasures of the free internet, is a film of his Tony-winning performance in a one-man show about Truman Capote called *Tru.* This is the first segment of nine. If you're interested, check out the whole thing.
I loved watching these, Chris!! I love his adorable TEETH, right?