They were sent to A. Human, a “fashion line” in Brooklyn that imagines a world in which making body modifications is as easy as changing your clothes. The designers were split into five teams of three (chosen by a sharp new button bag). They were assigned a body modification (skin feathers, horns on the shoulders, etc) and each designer was told to design an outfit highlighting the modification. The three looks would need to be cohesive (of course).
Go figure - - Tessa and Hester were leaders of their teams, and kind of a pain in the ass! Christian was rather ruthless in his workroom critiques. Speaking of, I’m not 100% sure he’s going a great job as mentor. I’m keeping an open mind, but I have my eye on him.
Drama, tears, accusations in the workroom. As usual.
Team Neck Ruffles. Brava to Tessa for acknowledging Sebastian in the construction of the skirt, and the bag. His dress was amazing - - a fascinating concept and impeccably executed. And bravo to Sebastian for acknowledging Tessa as the leader.
Team Feathers. Whoa, Nina said that Renee clipped her model's wings. Thanks to whatever writer wrote that line for her. Ugh on Kovid crying on the runway and calling out to his mother and grandmother. It’s a shame that he made a bad prom dress.
Of course Sebastian was the winner. And au revoir to Frankie. She seems like a sweet girl, but her skills really aren't up to the PR experience.